Health care and medicine is a very broad field and believe me you’ll find plenty of topics related to this field on which you can craft an effective essay "essay writer". Regardless of the variety of topics, the question remains the same; which topic is the perfect one and how to pick the right topic. Either you are a medical student or enrolled in any field of healthcare you’ll be assigned the task to write essays. Even if you aren’t a medical student then again you’ll be asked to write the essays that are related to healthcare. Typically, students are given the topic once they are assigned to write an essay but oftentimes they are given the leverage to pick the topic themselves. I know it sounds fun to pick a topic since you have got all the freedom but believe me it isn’t that easy. You have to hit the internet, skim through tons of topics to find the interesting one and as per the professor’s instructions.
If you are looking for some interesting topic ideas, then I suggest you first determine the essay type and then look for topics "essay writing service". Usually, students pick a topic that isn’t relevant to the prompt and end up with a vague essay. So don’t let your grades slip away by doing this mistake; rather after getting an essay writing assignment try finding the essay type first. If you are required to write an argumentative essay, then you must pick a debatable topic. If you are looking for argumentative essay topics related to healthcare and medicine, then you are in the right place. Below I have shortlisted the list of topics that are not only debatable but interesting as well. So have a look at these topics and quickly pick the topic for your essay.
Can a vegan diet be considered healthy?
Keto Diet is the best diet to reduce weight
Is smoking the only cause of lung cancer?
Is organ donation ethical?
Ethics in human experimentation
Is obesity a medical problem or a social problem?
How long humans can live?
Is weight loss surgery beneficial?
Should euthanasia be legalized?
Can eating habits signal autism?
Can participating in sports guarantee good health?
Can extremism be called a mental disorder?
Healthcare must be free for all?
Immigrants must be given the right to attain free healthcare facilities
Should patients with HIV/AIDS forcibly quarantine?
Is social the real cause of depression?
Can depression be treated with medicines?
Are diet pills effective?
What are the impacts of consuming steroids on the body?
Steroids should be banned
Drug addiction: a disease or a choice?
Is alcohol addiction a disease?
Can mental disorders be treated with therapies?
Is it ethical to perform medical experiments on animals?
Is it ethical to perform medical experiments on immigrants?
Should prisoners be given access to free healthcare?
Private healthcare is better than the public healthcare system
How should the countries cope with an increasingly aging population?
How should the countries cope with the increasing number of people having a chronic illness?
Is social media causing anxiety among teens?
Linkage of social media with teens suicidal rates
Women should be given the right to abortion?
What social determinants influence people’s well-being?
Are we too dependent on painkillers?
Are we too dependent on antibiotics?
Medical errors should be punishable by law
Choose one of the controversial healthcare issues and then propose a solution
Why do the majority of nurses are females?
What are your views on physician-assisted suicides?
Obesity is an eating disorder
Sleeping pills: An effective way to treat insomnia
What is the best way to treat mental illness?
Which method is best in treating mental disorders?
Is caffeine intake damaging for people’s health?
Can antidepressants treat depression?
Self-medication: an opportunity to heal oneself or a way of damaging one’s health
Is homeopathy better than allopathy?
Vaccination should be made mandatory
Is it worth legalizing marijuana?
I know that after skimming through the above list you must be overwhelmed. Don’t Panic instead clear your mind and then skim through the list again. However, if you still aren’t able to pick a topic and the deadline to submit your essay is approaching then I suggest you try an essay writing service online. They have professional writers who can help you craft an incredible essay in no time.