If you are an active Cash App user then you must know how to activate the Cash App cash card. As you know that that Cash App provides users a Cash card. With the help of this activated Cash App card, you can easily withdraw cash money at any ATM from your Square Cash App wallet. If you have a Cash App card and are wondering how to enable the Cash App card, this post is for you. Let's learn about the two simple methods to activate the Cash Card using a cash app.
How do I activate my Cash App card with QR code?
The Cash App card activation process with the QR code is very simple and short. QR code is nothing but just something like a barcode that you can read with the help of your phone.
Following are the steps you need to take to activate Cash App card:
· Open the cash app
· Scroll down to find the Cash App Card image & tap it.
· From the list of options select “Scan QR code”.
· Allow access to the Square app to use your phone’s camera.
· Now scan the QR code printed on the packing box and acknowledgment slip.
· After successfully scanning the QR code your cash card will be activated in a few seconds.
How to activate Cash App Card without QR code?
· Launch the Square App on your mobile phone.
· Press the account balance tab.
· Click on the option of Cash App card activation
· And select the “Use CVV Instead” to start the manual card activation process.
· Here comes a field where you have to type CVV number and expiration date of your cash app debit card.
· Now follow the simple instructions like entering the card number, expiration date, and CVV code.
· Press the activate cash card tab.
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To activate your Cash Card using the QR code:
Tap the Cash Card tab on your Cash App home screen
Tap the image of your Cash Card
Tap Activate Cash Card
Tap OK when your Cash App asks for permission to use your camera
Scan the QR code
If you no longer have the QR Code:
Tap the Cash Card tab on your Cash App home screen
Tap the image of your Cash Card
Tap Activate Cash Card
Tap Use CVV Instead
Enter the CVV code and expiration date of your new Cash Card
Regards, Bruce