We tell you why it is important to have this document, because it will reflect the decision of a person regarding their assets and it will be clear who will receive it at the time of their death.
Making a will guarantees to protect your assets.
It is necessary to have a will, but it is essential to carry it out in a timely manner , as a foresight tool since you have something to inherit and not wait until your deathbed to think about it.
Do not forget that it is always better to have the advice of an expert. Go to a notary to start the formal process ; he has the obligation of secrecy, which will give you the guarantee that if it is not respected, there will be legal consequences. For greater security, it is recommended to attach to the will, a list of the testatee's assets, including bank accounts, documents, jewelry, credit rights, etc.
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These are the advantages of having your will embodied in a will:
Protect assets
With a will, you will prevent the assets that you built throughout your life from falling into the wrong hands , because you will have the peace of mind that what you want will happen with your properties.
Avoid family problems
This way, your relatives won't worry about what will happen to the house or the money you have saved. It is well known that lawsuits are made the order of the day when an unexpected death occurs and there is no paper that indicates the wishes of the deceased.
You insure your children's assets, even if you don't have
In the will you can include a clause that includes the children that as a mother you could have , even before you get pregnant. If this is the case, you must choose a tutor; consider their moral and economic solvency, as well as the ability to manage assets, while your child can take care of it.
Avoid unnecessary expenses
When a person does not make a will, their relatives will spend to carry out procedures to distribute, according to the law, the assets.
Now you know, you must take care not to worry about not having in writing what you want to happen with your assets. Every year, in coordination with the governments of the 32 states of the country, the Ministry of the Interior launches the campaign "September, month of the testament" , designed to offer the service with considerable discounts. Do not think about it anymore, find out, act and have the peace of mind in life that all your wishes will be fulfilled when you are gone.
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