The Welsh government says every 12 to 15-year-old will be offered a Covid vaccine by the end of the October half-term.
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Every child in this age group in the UK is now being offered a single vaccination dose.
When, where and how are the vaccinations taking place?
Last month, the UK's chief medical officers recommended a single Pfizer dose for all 12 to 15-year-olds.
The rollout has started in England, Scotland and Wales, and is due to begin shortly in Northern Ireland.
The settings will vary throughout the UK.
In Scotland, as well as being invited to book an appointment at a clinic, 12- to 15-year-olds can get vaccinated at drop-in centres.
In England and Northern Ireland, the programme is mostly based in schools. And in Wales, vaccination centres are being used, with different arrangements in place between areas.
Is the vaccine compulsory?
No. When the recommendation was made, Prof Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England, said the vaccination would be an "offer".
He said young people and their parents needed to be supported, and there should be no stigma attached to their choice.
Do parents have to give permission?
Although parental consent is being sought, children under 16 who can prove they understand the risks and benefits can ask for the vaccine - or refuse it - if they disagree with their parents.
This important legal test of whether a child can consent to treatment is known as "Gillick competence". It is named after a famous dispute in which a teenager wanted contraceptive advice without her mother's consent.
In practice it would be extremely unusual for a child under 13 to be judged Gillick competent.
Teenagers aged 16 and 17 don't need parental permission, unless there are exceptional circumstances.
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Children need to be vaccinated against covid as soon as possible to best protect them slope