Low testosterone levels can cause erectile dysfunction in millions of men around the globe. This is due to difficulty maintaining erections, and a low sexual drive.
It can also impact your mood, energy, and muscle strength. While testosterone levels decline with age, it is also possible to have low testosterone due to injury, drugs, or certain types of cancer. Malegra Oral Jelly is vital for all men to be aware of the signs and symptoms that indicate low testosterone.
Low testosterone can be accompanied by the following signs and symptoms:
* Less sex drive
* Erectile dysfunction
* Lower energy consumption
* Lower strength and endurance
* Sleep problems
* Emotional problems such as sadness, irritability and difficulty concentrating.
* Tenderness and breast size increases
* A decrease in body hair
* Reduced testicle or penis size
* Loss in muscle mass
Your doctor can perform a blood test to determine if your testosterone levels are low.
Before you decide if your doctor should check your testosterone levels, you can take the Androgen Deficiency in Aging Male (ADAM), questionnaire.
Your physician will perform a check-up to ensure that your testosterone levels are not affected by any medications or other conditions. A complete medical history is required, as well as a physical exam and laboratory tests. Your doctor may recommend medication to lower testosterone levels. However, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including not smoking and regular exercise.